Sr. Manager, Workforce Development and Equity Initiatives
Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA)
E'Lon Cohen Hall recently joined the SEIA Workforce Development and Equity team and will be on site at RE+ Hawaii. She works on the Solar Ready Vets (SRV) program that connects solar employers with industry partners and resources for recruiting and retaining veterans and military spouses. SEIA is also a partner on the Apprenticeship in Clean Energy (ACE) Network that provides free consultations and resources to clean energy employers looking to get involved in Registered Apprenticeship. She will be at the SEIA booth from 10am - 11:30 am HST on January 22nd and 23rd. Please feel free to stop by to chat about these programs or other workforce items. If those times do not work, shoot her an email ( to connect!
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Full Conference Networking Lunch Workforce Roundtables
Monday, January 22, 2024
12:25 PM – 1:25 PM HST